Recycle Emirates Works with Many International Charities to Help Bridge the Digital Divide

We can help you get computers into the hands of charities who need them by refurbishing your used computer equipment for their use or by selling them and donating the cash from the sale to a nonprofit. Either way, the nonprofit benefits and would also assist in every corporates CSR objectives.

When we work with groups that accept donated computers, we arrange for pickup and collect the equipment for them. We then take the used computer equipment back to our warehouse facility and process them just as we would any other IT asset we are recovering. The beauty of this arrangement: Recycle Emirates handles all the logistics and handling of the equipment — our area of expertise — and offers all the benefits to you and the nonprofit. They get the money, and you get a taxable donation.

Some of our nonprofit partners include:

For more information on making charitable donations of used computer equipment or if you’re a nonprofit looking for a partner to process your donations, Contact Us.


It’s on our shelves, but you’re generating income through consigning!

Use Recycle Emirates’s diversified distribution network & warehouse space to sell your used equipment with improved visibility for better salability of your computers. Why waste storage space and marketing time, with added overhead on selling your old computer yourself? We’ll sell your old computer through one of our three retail stores. We’ll use our marketing muscle and sales channels to maximize your return. And when your old computer is sold, we’ll split the money with you.

If you’re interested in our consignment services and to learn about our consigning fees, please Contact Us